Radon in Water Mitigation with Airwell | Holmes Approved Product
Published on May 30, 2018
Mike Holmes Jr. teams up with Radon Environmental's David
Innes to
install Airwell, a radon in water mitigation system. Airwell is a new
that solves the problem of radon in well water before the water enters your
home. It
sustains a “down the well” process indefinitely without debilitating scaling
bio-fouling. Water is recirculated, oxidized, and purified.
Airwell in action down the well | HOLMES APPROVED PRODUCTS
Published on May 15, 2019
Watch the Airwell aeration system in action through a
well-cam. Airwell is a radon in water mitigation system that aerates well
water before it enters the home. Look for more in the Airwell playlist. See
an Airwell installation at a country house Mike Holmes and Mike Holmes Jr.
were renovating. Airwell is a Holmes Approved Product.